Ship to Shore Rights South East Asia Programme

Myanmar Sustainable Aquaculture Program

The Myanmar Sustainable Aquaculture Programme (MYSAP) seeks to support the sustainable intensification of the aquaculture sector, thereby realizing its potential for food security, nutrition and employment. The programme works with all members of aquaculture value chains, including Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), Government and Non-Governmental Organizations, private sector associations, academia and other stakeholders.

The Programme takes a comprehensive sector approach, in particular by:
1. Establishing a conducive institutional and policy context for the inclusive and sustainable development of aquaculture, i.e. facilitating the consultation and drafting process for the National Aquaculture Development Plan.
2. Ensuring higher quality service provision to aquaculture producers, including for fish health and hygiene, as well as higher education and vocational training.
3. Providing predictable, cost-effective inputs for small-scale aquaculture farmers, including the promotion of natural, integrated farming systems and local hatcheries.
4. Building more efficient, resilient and sustainable freshwater and coastal aquaculture value chains, including mangrove reforestation and the promotion of smallholder shrimp polyculture.
5. Enhancing access to fish and nutritional impact in fish-deficit areas.
6. Creating decent work opportunities for the most vulnerable, including women.

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