Seafood processing industry leaders from Indonesia and Thailand met in Jakarta on 4 August 2023 to share experiences in promote good labour practices within the seafood processing sector. Convened by the ILO, the event brought together representatives from the Thai Tuna Industry Association (TTIA), the Thai Frozen Food Association (TFFA), and the Indonesian Pole and Line and Handline Fishers Association (AP2HI). It gave representatives of the Indonesian industry a chance to hear from Thai counterparts who have made significant progress upgrading their business practices in recent years through the development and implementation of the Seafood Good Labour Practices (GLP) programme. Central to the discussions was the cross-border exchange of knowledge on enhancing labour standards in the seafood processing industry. Representatives of the AP2HI announced that they would leverage the insights and good practices from their Thai counterparts by sharing the learnings with their members.

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