New Migrant Worker Resource Centre established in Koh Kong province of Cambodia

With funding from the ILO Ship to Shore Rights South East Asia programme, the Cambodia Labour Confederation (CLC) will establish a Migrant Worker Resource Centre (MRC) in Koh Kong province. The location was selected as it is a key area of origin and border crossing point for migrants seeking employment in the fishing and seafood […]

Network established in Cambodia on protection of women and men migrant workers in the fishing and seafood processing sector.

Ship to Shore Rights SEA coordinated the first network meeting on migrant workers in the fishing and seafood processing sector on 18 January 2022 among institutions who have expertise and experience in supporting migrants in the industry. The network aims to strengthen knowledge sharing on current developments, expand ongoing cooperation among civil society organizations, government […]

Development of a Transnational Referral Mechanism for Trafficking Cases Begins in Cambodia

United Nation Development Programme (UNDP) under Ship to Shore Rights SEA brought together key partners to find effective ways forward for the protection of trafficked persons and migrants in Cambodia. The virtual focus group discussion, held on 4 January 2022, provided a platform for partners from international organization and non-governmental organizations working in trafficking in […]

At land or sea, decent work is a right for all

An ‘out of sight, out of mind’ attitude prevails all too often when it comes to the labour rights of workers employed in South East Asia’s fishing and seafood processing sectors. On International Workers’ Day, Mi Zhou and Benjamin Harkins argue that it’s time for change. On International Workers’ Day, the world commemorates the historic struggle […]

Meeting on Indonesia and Convention No. 188, Review and Update of Indonesia and the Work in Fishing Convention 2007 (No. 188): A Comparative Study (2019)

Ship to Shore Rights SEA facilitated a meeting on 6 October 2021 between Anwar Sanusi, General-Secretary of the Ministry of Manpower and Basilio Dias Araujo, Deputy for the Sovereignty of Maritime Affairs and Energy, Coordinating Ministry of Maritime Affairs. The meeting agreed on establishing a harmonization team in Indonesia. The team will comprise of experts […]

Connecting the Dots: A Step to Harmonize Laws and Regulations

In order to forge next steps towards Indonesia’s “Laws and Regulations Team in Indonesia Fishing Sector”, Ship to Shore Right SEA organized a series of in-person bilateral meetings with relevant ministries and Government Agency (BP2MI) on October 28th, November 2nd and November 3th, 2021. Albert Bonasahat, National Project Coordinator of Ship to Shore Rights SEA in […]

Foundation for Education and Development provides safe migration and skills development training for return migrant workers in Myanmar during COVID-19

To support the restoration of livelihoods for return migrant workers during COVID-19, the Foundation for Education and Development (FED) provided skills training and start-up grants for 15 women migrants in Kawthaung. After the training, the participants formed a peer support network named the “Grass Roots Group” to share information and advice on establishing new income […]

Return migrant workers in Cambodia receive COVID-19 relief assistance from European Union and ILO

The ILO, in partnership with the Center for Alliance of Labor and Human Rights (CENTRAL ), will provide emergency assistance to Cambodian migrant workers returning home during the pandemic. The grant will deliver emergency relief assistance packages to approximately 1,741 return migrant workers and their families, including food rations, personal protective equipment and hygiene products. […]