Ship to Shore Rights South East Asia Programme

Cambodian Women’s Crisis Centre’s Safe Migration and Reduction of Trafficking (SMART) Project

Cambodian Women’s Crisis Centre’s (CWCC) Safe Migration and Reduction of Trafficking (SMART) Project aims to reduce unsafe migration by conducting awareness-raising training on trafficking, safe migration, and domestic violence for the thousands of children and adults who use the border crossings each day. The objective of the SMART Program is to reduce unsafe migration of women and children at border crossings through awareness-raising training on trafficking, safe migration, and domestic violence and the establishment of a peer educator network.
Activities include:
– providing mobile outreach along the Thai border in Banteay Meanchey to disseminate information on safe migration
– develop peer educators to promote safe migration
– actively collaborate in networks with other NGOs and government agencies in destination countries
– observe and monitor the situation of Cambodian women and children at the border on both sides

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