Ship to Shore Rights South East Asia Programme

Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative

The Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative (GSSI) is a public-private partnership on seafood sustainability with 90+ stakeholders industry-wide, which aligns global efforts and resources to address seafood sustainability challenges. Governed by a Steering Board representing the full seafood value chain, companies, NGOs, governments and international organizations – including the FAO –, GSSI promotes sector-wide collaboration to drive forward more sustainable seafood for everyone. GSSI’s mission is to ensure confidence in the supply and promotion of certified seafood as well as to promote improvement in the seafood certification schemes.

GSSI’s Global Benchmark Tool provides formal recognition of seafood certification schemes that successfully complete a rigorous and transparent benchmark process, underpinned by the FAO Guidelines. The Tool aims to minimize the overall environmental impact of how we produce, catch and supply seafood to meet a growing global demand.

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