Ship to Shore Rights South East Asia Programme

Sustainable Coastal Fisheries project

Denmark and Myanmar on 1 December 2016 signed a bilateral agreement on a new comprehensive country programme for the period 2016-2020 aiming to promote peace, rule of law and human rights; improve access to quality basic education; introduce community co-management of fisheries resources and promote growth and jobs in small and medium sized enterprises. The objective of the Country Programme is to contribute to a peaceful and more democratic society with improved prosperity through sustainable and inclusive growth. The overall objective will be pursued through the following three thematic programmes which covers seven development engagements for Denmark’s support. These include support for:
1) the Joint Peace Fund Myanmar (JPF);
2) the promotion of rule of law and human rights;
3) quality basic education in the formal and non-formal school system, including in rural ethnic and conflict areas;
4) sustainable coastal fisheries;
5) a challenge fund on responsible business and a Myanmar Enterprise Monitoring System (MEMS) which will help the Government of Myanmar make policy decision in regard to private sector development based on more reliable data.

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