Ship to Shore Rights South East Asia Programme

Sustainable Fisheries Partnership

Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP) is reshaping the world of corporate responsibility in the seafood industry through the creation of powerful information tools and a methodology that enables companies to directly engage with suppliers of natural resources.
Sustainable Fisheries Partnership maintains a sustainability overview of those seafood sectors that are most important to the seafood industry: crab, fish used for fishmeal and fish oil, salmon, shrimp, snapper and grouper, squid and octopus, tuna (and other large pelagics), and whitefish. Some priority sectors are regularly scrutinized through specific research reports that analyze current sustainability performance, while others receive less frequent attention (at least for now). Within these sectors, SFP promotes the formation of supply chain roundtables to promote improvement efforts in fisheries or aquaculture areas where attention is required. A supply chain roundtable is essentially a forum for processors, importers, and others that buy directly from a specific seafood sector to work together in a pre-competitive environment to achieve improvements in fisheries or aquaculture. The roundtables work to support existing fishery improvement projects (FIPs) and aquaculture improvement projects (AIPs). These projects bring together the key stakeholders in a fishery or aquaculture area and develop a multi-stakeholder approach to incremental improvement.

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