Ship to Shore Rights South East Asia Programme


Tenaganita is a Malaysian human rights organisation dedicated in assisting, building, advocating and protecting migrants, refugees, women and children from exploitation, abuse, discrimination, slavery and human trafficking.
Tenaganita addresses issues of exploitation, discrimination, unequal treatment and violence not just against women but also against refugees, documented and undocumented migrant workers, trafficked persons, domestic workers, sex workers and people living with HIV/AIDS. The organization currently has three major focus areas of work: Migrant and Refugee Rights Protection, Anti-trafficking in Persons, and Business Accountability and Responsibility.

Tenaganita’s anti­ trafficking in persons program works on prevention, intervention, and recovery. It encompasses the following:
Awareness: Tenaganita’s efforts seek to inform and educate the public about the issue, and work toward prevention and eradication of trafficking
Rescue: Rescues are undertaken by Tenaganita staff or conducted with the assistance of enforcement agencies
Shelter: The survivors are sheltered in a secure location and counselling is provided
Case: A legal case is opened and filed with the relevant government agencies to seek redress
Safe Repartriation: Liaising with its national, regional and international network, Tenaganita facilitates the process of education, safe repartriation and reintegration of survivors

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