Ship to Shore Rights South East Asia Programme

Plan International’s SAFE Seas Project

The SAFE Seas project seeks to promote collaboration between governments, fish workers, the private sector, civil society, and communities to:
• Strengthen regulations and policies to address labor exploitation on fishing vessels
• Work with relevant government agencies to improve coordination and raise the profile of labor issues
• Encourage the use of multi-disciplinary inspection models to include checks for forced labor, human trafficking and other exploitative practices on fishing vessels
• Engage the private sector to establish the Safe Fishing Alliance (SFA) that will include major fishing industry companies that want to promote a fair and transparent sector that eliminates exploitative and unfair competition, hand in hand with government, workers, and civil society
• Engage fishers to help ensure that reporting mechanisms are relevant, accessible and responsive to their cases and needs
• Engage other international organizations that have experience in forced labor (FL)/trafficking in persons (TIP) to work on solutions especially in Indonesia, to help reduce the incidence of FL/TIP through improved regulations and increased awareness

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