Other ILO Publications
Rough seas: The impact of COVID-19 on fishing workers in South-East Asia (pháasaa láo)
Decent Working Conditions, Safety and Social Protection – Work in Fishing Convention No. 188 and Recommendation No. 199
Decent Working Conditions, Safety and Social Protection – Work in Fishing Convention No. 188 and Recommendation No. 199 (Vietnamese version)
Rough seas: The impact of COVID-19 on fishing workers in South-East Asia (pháasaa láo)
Decent Working Conditions, Safety and Social Protection – Work in Fishing Convention No. 188 and Recommendation No. 199
Decent Working Conditions, Safety and Social Protection – Work in Fishing Convention No. 188 and Recommendation No. 199 (Vietnamese version)
Riding out the storm: Organizational resilience of trade unions and civil society organizations following the military takeover in Myanmar
Rough seas: The impact of COVID-19 on fishing workers in South-East Asia (Burmese)
Rough seas: The impact of COVID-19 on fishing workers in South-East Asia (Khmer)
Rough seas: The impact of COVID-19 on fishing workers in South-East Asia (English)
Ship to Shore Rights South East Asia: Gender equality and women’s empowerment strategy
Turning principles into pathways: The future of the Seafood Good Labour Practices programme.
Rough seas: The impact of COVID-19 on fishing workers in South-East Asia (English)
Ship to Shore Rights South East Asia: Gender equality and women’s empowerment strategy
Turning principles into pathways: The future of the Seafood Good Labour Practices programme.
Rough seas: The impact of COVID-19 on fishing workers in South-East Asia (English)
Ship to Shore Rights South East Asia: Gender equality and women’s empowerment strategy
Turning principles into pathways: The future of the Seafood Good Labour Practices programme.
Ship to Shore Rights in Thailand
ข้อค้นพบจากงานวิจัยวัดผล ความก้าวหน้าเกี่ยวกับแรงงานประมง และอาหารทะเลในประเทศไทย
Endline research findings on fishers and seafood workers in Thailand
Employment practices and working conditions in Thailand’s fishing sector
Less is More: How Policy and Techonology can Impact the Thai Labour Market for Work in Fishing (English)
Less is More: How Policy and Techonology can Impact the Thai Labour Market for Work in Fishing (Thai)
Moving to Electronic Payment in the Thai Fishing Industry (Thai)
Good Labour Practices (GLP) Guidelines in Thailand’s Seafood Industry (English)