Ship to Shore Rights South East Asia Programme

Fishers Rights Network

The ITF Fishers Rights Network (FRN) is an independent democratically formed trade union in Thailand with thousands of migrant fisher members. FRN has worked tirelessly to pressure Thailand to ratify ILO Convention 188 (Work in Fishing), and works with unions in Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, Indonesia, and the Philippines to support ratification and effective implementation of ILO Convention 87 (Freedom of Association) and 98 (Collective Bargaining). FRN also continues to work to raise the minimum wage for fishers, improve health and safety protections, implement vessel codes of conduct throughout the global supply chain, ensure access to adequate medicine and first aid training, and make other significant improvements in working conditions for all fishers in Thailand and the region.
FRN is a Steering Committee member of the SEA Forum for fishers.
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