Ship to Shore Rights South East Asia Programme

Issara Institute

The Issara Institute works with businesses to implement worker grievance mechanisms in factories in through its Inclusive Labour Monitoring program and its Strategic Partners Program. It also works with community based organisations in labour sending countries to provide migrant workers with information on legal recruitment channels through its Worker Voice Driven Ethical Recruitment program. Through its Freedom of Choice program, Issara is exploring new approaches to empowering trafficked persons by giving them the knowledge, options, and resources they need to shape their own futures.

The Issara Institute is expanding its work to fishers through its Fisheries Labour Improvement Program (FLIP). FLIP seeks to improve labour conditions on vessels through: ​
1. Issara Remediation Initiative: Working with vessel owners and fishermen to educate on labour rights and the law, then identify and remediate labour risks
2. Ethical Recruitment Program: Working with the governments and progressive recruitment agencies to recruit skilled, guaranteed debt-free workers to crew fishing boats owned by participating vessel owners
3. Multi-stakeholder Debt Relief Fund: Working with Issara Strategic Partners to incentivize vessel owners to cancel debts of crew and absorb the costs of their recruitment, while understanding the competitive landscape and perspectives of vessel owners and buyers
4. Worker Voice at Sea: Integrating Issara’s worker voice technology with the most cutting edge vessel tracking and catch traceability reporting technology

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