Ship to Shore Rights South East Asia Programme

International Justice Mission

IJM works to:
1. rescue victims who have been trafficked and are being exploited on fishing vessels and within the seafood industry. IJM will collaborate with Thai law enforcement and other governments in the region to investigate labor trafficking crimes and assist with operations to set these men free.
2. bring criminals to justice by assisting police as they gather evidence and by supporting prosecutors as they bring charges and build cases against traffickers, recruiters and boat crews or owners involved in the exploitation.
3. restore survivors to a place of physical and emotional safety. IJM social workers will provide support during the rescue operation and create individualized care plans for each survivor so they receive medical attention, psychological counseling and long-term support in their home community–often in a neighboring country like Cambodia or Myanmar.
4. strengthen justice systems by advocating for systemic changes that will end the impunity traffickers currently enjoy in Thailand and neighboring countries. IJM will also partner with global seafood retailers to use data in assisting the government with their efforts to end slavery in the seafood industry.

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