Ship to Shore Rights South East Asia Programme

Future of Fish

Future of Fish is a non-profit aiming to end overfishing. It seeks to operate as a bridge between fisheries, funders, supply chains and other stakeholders through:
1. System Intermediary platforms that unlock and facilitate the flow of knowledge, resources and capital broadly across fisheries through strategic alignment and collaboration.
2. Partnering with existing funders to understand their investment criteria to design platforms that reduce risk and improve capital flow. Future of Fish seek to crowd-in investment through blended finance approaches that lead to fisheries transformation.
3. Assessing supply chains and their component businesses to design structures, standards and best practices to capture unrealized or lost value and drive equitable profits within supply chain nodes.
4. Bringing together the right stakeholders, technology and capital to catalyze data modernization efforts across fishery stakeholders to facilitate and measure fishery transformation.
It’s Southeast Asia Sustainable shrimp finance project aims to design financing mechanisms to fund shrimp farm improvements to meet environmental and social standards.

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