Ship to Shore Rights South East Asia Programme

Improving Inland and Marine Fisheries Governance Project, NAG

The Network Activities Group (NAG) works towards achieving a peaceful, prosperous and sustainably developed Myanmar using a strategic approach that focuses on four goals:
1) Livelihoods: Communities see the emergence of relevant and viable business opportunities through increased access to investments, technology and capital.
2) Governance: Sound policies are established through active community participation, particularly in the areas of natural resource management, food security, and livelihood development.
3) Civil society: Community members are aware of their rights and responsibilities and actively engage in decision making at local and policy levels. Communities are empowered to respond to their own needs, including during disasters and emergencies.
4) Public service:Government departments and public services are fulfilling the basic needs of communities in an accountable and transparent manner.
We work effectively across organizations, sectors and borders. Our strength is our ability to create inclusive networks and partnerships that ensure the self-determined needs of poor and vulnerable communities are met.

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