Ship to Shore Rights South East Asia Programme

Coastal Fisheries Initiatives

The Coastal Fisheries Initiative (CFI) is a global partnership, bringing together UN agencies and international conservation organizations at the forefront of efforts to improve coastal fisheries management and conserve marine biodiversity. In Indonesia the main areas of work include: 1) Development of fisheries management plans and rights-based fisheries management (RBFM) in coordination with the provincial governments.
2) Implementation of the Ecosystem Approach for Fisheries Management (EAFM) and enabling tools, such as ecosystem restoration and conservation strategies, investment in small-scale coastal fisheries businesses and targeted Fisheries Improvement Projects (FIPs).
3) Sustaining critical coastal ecosystem protection to support fisheries production.
4) Information sharing and communication of lessons learned for replication across Indonesia’s Fisheries Management Areas.
5) The project is led the Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) in collaboration with Conservation International (CI) with a budget of USD 10 million from the GEF and additional USD 58 million in co-financing from the Indonesian government, international agencies, foundations, private sector entities and civil society.
The Blue Abadi Fund
Implemented in partnership with Conservation International, the Blue Abadi Fund supports sustainable financing for marine conservation. The fund operates in the West Papua province to finance support for a network of local institutions working to protect coastal ecosystems, increase fisheries production for the benefit of small-scale fishers and their communities. The Blue Abadi Fund is expected to result in Indonesia’s first sustainably financed network of Marine Protected Areas, serving as a model for sustainable marine resource management.

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