Ship to Shore Rights South East Asia Programme

Greenpeace Sustainability, Labour & Human Rights, and Chain of Custody Asks for Retailers, Brand Owners and Seafood Companies

Greenpeace’s Sustainability, Labour & Human Rights, and Chain of Custody Asks for Retailers, Brand Owners and Seafood Companies is an advocacy campaign with a set of corporate asks that focus on improving the environmental impact of fishing and the labour rights of fishers. Greenpeace seeks a substantial transformation from fisheries production dominated by large-scale, socially and economically unjust, and environmentally destructive methods to prioritise smaller scale, community-based, labour intensive fisheries using ecologically responsible, selective fishing technology, and environmentally sound practices. International trade in fisheries products should not undermine the legitimate interests of coastal communities, which include protecting fisherfolk’s livelihoods, human and labour rights, or negatively impact food security, especially in developing countries. To this end, the fish trading, processing, and retailing industry have a fundamental role to play by reviewing their purchasing policies and practices so that market conditions are created to favor fisheries that comply with strict social and environmental criteria. To that end, Greenpeace researches urge retailers, brand owners and seafood companies to adopt our policy outline for seafood sustainability, seafood worker human rights, and chains of custody.

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