Ship to Shore Rights South East Asia Programme


Apprise aims to close the data gap on human trafficking and forced labor by enabling the collection of high-quality data to create responsive policy. It seeks to contribute to the anti-human trafficking 4 P’s approach by create policy recommendations for more rigorous processes of victim identification on the prevention pilar, and informing other anti-trafficking pillars such as prevention, prosecution and partnership.

Apprise was developed as a tool to support frontline responders to identify victims of forced labor and human trafficking. The app is downloaded on the front-line responders’ phone but is ultimately a tool in the potential victims’ hands. A broad cross-section of stakeholders worked together to design an app that is user-friendly and appropriate for use with state and civil society actors. Screening questionnaires were developed for different sectors and translated in the most common languages among migrant workers’ communities. Apprise is used in the fishing and seafood processing sector and the entertainment industry.

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