Ship to Shore Rights South East Asia Programme

Centre for Marinelife Conservation and Community Development (MCD)

Centre for Marinelife Conservation and Community Development (MCD) was established in 2003 under the Vietnam Association of Marine Science and Technology with the license granted by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Vietnam. MCD is a Vietnamese NGO in the field of coastal and marine ecosystem conservation, striving for a coastal zone of Vietnam with healthy ecosystems and a good quality of life for coastal communities, especially the most vulnerable. MCD commits to promoting active cooperation between related stakeholders, implementing initiatives that integrate local knowledge and international experiences, in order to better manage coastal ecosystems and improve coastal communities’ living conditions, contributing to sustainable development of the coastal zone, especially in the climate change context. The main target groups of MCD work include:
1. Poor small-scale fisher/aquaculturer/farmer population and coastal inhabitants, especially the youth, who are directly dependent on coastal aquatic and environmental resources and most vulnerable to climate changes and biodiversity degradation
2. Community groups (Women’s Union, Youth Union, Fisheries Associations, Veteran’s Associations, etc. ) that have roles in mobilizing local people to participate in improving resource use and management practices and climate change responses
3. Local authorities and staff of line ministries including protected areas management boards, who are mandated to administer the coastal communities, safeguard the coastal natural resources, biodiversity and environment, respond to climate change and disaster risks
4. Policy makers on coastal zone management and climate change adaptation at national level, who can institutionalize and legalize the improved management practices for nation-wide implementation
5. Other civil society organizations that strive for improving the quality of life of the coastal poor and the coastal environment

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