Ship to Shore Rights South East Asia Programme

FAIR Fish project

The FAIR Fish project seeks to contribute to a fair global playing field for workers and responsible businesses by engaging with the private sector to reduce forced labor and human trafficking in the fishing and seafood processing sectors in Thailand. The project will work directly with companies to improve their approaches to addressing forced labor and human trafficking in recruitment processes; improve compliance with the recruitment policies and procedures by third-party recruiters; and promote responsible recruitment among other small- and medium-sized enterprises.
FAIR Fish will work to assist two private-sector companies, as well as their recruitment agencies and recruiters, as they develop a responsible recruitment pilot model for small- and medium-sized enterprises built on the principles of the Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI). The project’s activities include helping these companies develop a web portal as a tool to standardize the recruiting system and address the issue of informality. The portal is intended to provide coaching to recruitment agencies to increase compliance through improved policies and procedures.

Once the model has been finalized, FAIR Fish will develop a responsible recruitment curriculum, translated and culturally adapted for Thailand, Myanmar, and Cambodia. After training a pool of master trainers, other local recruitment agencies and labor brokers will be able to be trained in their respective countries.

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