Ship to Shore Rights South East Asia Programme

Fishery Progress

Launched in 2016, is a searchable directory that provides information on the progress of fishery improvement projects globally. It makes tracking progress more efficient, consistent, and reliable for businesses that support fishery improvement projects. FisheryProgress has started to explore how to address social responsibility. In August 2019, FisheryProgress released its Interim Policy on Forced Labor, Child Labor, or Human Trafficking for FisheryProgress FIPs. Since then, they’ve been working to develop a permanent social responsibility policy. To do so, FisheryProgress has facilitated a multi-stakeholder dialogue, which included consultation with its newly convened Social Advisory Committee, conversations with international human rights experts and worker representatives, a survey of FisheryProgress users, and feedback sessions with FIP leads and business users of FisheryProgress. In developing this draft policy, FisheryProgress tried to balance two aims: 1) to significantly reduce the risk of human rights and labor violations occurring on FIP vessels; and 2) to create a policy that will be practical for FIPs to implement.

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