Ship to Shore Rights South East Asia Programme

ILO Ship to Shore Rights Project

The Ship to Shore Rights Project, funded by the European Union, works with the Thai Government, employers’ organizations, workers’ organizations and buyers towards the prevention and reduction of unacceptable forms of work in Thailand’s fishing and seafood industries.
The second phase of the Ship to Shore Rights project will promote gender-responsive labour migration laws, policies, practices and services that address the characteristics of working in fishing and seafood processing sectors. It will support the organization and representation of migrant workers. It will address the legal, policy and institutional gaps and barriers faced by migrant workers in these sectors, including in the protection of fundamental principles and rights at work, as well as enhance their access to safe, orderly, and regular migration by addressing exploitation, forced labour and trafficking. To prevent labour exploitation, child labour, and human trafficking for forced labour, communities will be mobilized, and service providers will be supported to provide coordinated services.

The project will be implemented by the ILO, working in collaboration with the IOM and UNDP, drawing on the comparative advantage and expertise of the respective agencies.

The project will work in close cooperation with governments and social partners to achieve its overall objective: Promote regular and safe labour migration among South East Asian countries, in particular in the fishing and seafood processing industry, in Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Indonesia, Philippines, and Viet Nam.

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