Ship to Shore Rights South East Asia Programme

The SEAFDEC-Sweden project

The SEAFDEC-Sweden project (2013-2019) is building upon on the earlier work done under the SEAFDEC-Sweden cooperation. The ultimate targets of the Project are the poor coastal and inland communities who continue to experience declining catch as well as increased competition and conflict over natural resource use and space in coastal and inland waters of Southeast Asia. In a broader context, beneficiaries will also include staff of governments (local and central), NGOs, and international and regional organizations. The beneficiaries will be provided with support and guidance through collaborative arrangements supported by SEAFDEC-Sweden, in the process of developing better management of fisheries and important habitats in national and sub-regional contexts. The overall objective is the sustainable use of aquatic resources and reduced vulnerability to climate change by coastal/rural (fishing) communities in the ASEAN region through:
1) Implementation of regional and sub-regional aquatic resources management actions by national institutions and organizations
2) Establishment and implementation of regional and sub-regional fisheries and habitat management agreements and action plans.

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