Ship to Shore Rights South East Asia Programme

International Migrants Day Celebrated in Myanmar to Reaffirm Commitment to Safe and Dignified Migration

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The ILO organized a large-scale online celebration of International Migrants Day on 3 December in collaboration between the Ship to Shore Rights and TRIANGLE in ASEAN projects. The event was organized under the theme “Let’s reaffirm our commitment to safe and dignified migration for All”.

The two-hour celebration opened with speeches by the Deputy Head of Cooperation of the European Union Delegation and the ILO Liaison Officer for Myanmar. The proceedings included presentation of a video about a migrant worker in Thailand by BBC Media Action, sharing of experiences by Myanmar migrant workers and presentation of a demand statement by CSOs and labour organizations. The event was attended by 344 participants, including migrant workers and representatives of civil society, workers and international organizations. It served as an important platform for exchange of experiences and celebrating the positive contribution that migrant workers make in Myanmar.

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